“The Second International Conference on Improving the Resilience of Hospitals and Critical Facilities” was held on 2 and 3 May 2023 in Tehran
Funded by the Government of Japan, the “EMERGENCY SUPPORT TO SAFER HOSPITALS AND SETTLEMENTS” project called “BEHTAB phase II” has initiated a set of procedures that aims at evaluation, design, and retrofitting implementation of hospitals and health facilities in I.R. Iran. It includes extensive structural and non-structural analyses, retrofitting of existing health facilities, and several capacity development activities.
As part of BEHTAB II’s capacity development activities, UN-Habitat organized the Second International Conference on Improving the Resilience of Hospitals and Critical Facilities on 2~3 May 2023 in collaboration with the Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Institute (BHRC) at its campus.
The Conference’s mission was to transform the mindsets and enhance the knowledge of engineers, architects, and hospital managers in terms of the resilience of healthcare and critical facilities in Iran. More than 600 people registered to participate in the conference through the website, and at least 400 people each day were present in the halls and benefited from the materials presented at the conference.
The participation of academics, structural and mechanical engineers, architects, hospital managers, and hospital crisis management officials in this event was significant.