UN-Habitat and MRUD step for the Integration of Climate Change into Iran’s Urban Development and Regeneration Strategies
On August 18, 2024, UN-Habitat participated in an event at Urban Regeneration Corporation of Iran (URCI), to discuss on an initiative on the Integration of Climate Change issues into Iran’s Urban Development and Regeneration Strategies.
Emphasizing on “climate change implications on inefficient urban context, urban development and management”, the climate statistics, future conditions under scenarios of climate change in the country and its implications on human settlements and urban areas, existing policies and provisions in the high-level documents and laws and the importance of awareness on the best practices around the world for inter-sectoral coordination of climate change actions were addressed in the event.
UN-Habitat is now cooperating with the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran for organizing the sustainable human settlements against climate change consequences and natural disasters, focusing on the areas under post-earthquake reconstruction. Funded by the Government of Japan, the Project aims at post-earthquake reconstruction of villages in Hormozgan province, climate-aware organizing the settlements and capacity development of the local community against climate change and natural hazards.