Holding the Steering Committee Meeting of the “Second International Conference on Improving the Resilience of Hospitals & Critical Facilities”
The meeting was held on February 28, 2023, at the BHRC, which was attended by the representatives of UN-Habitat, MoHME, PBO, EOGPBI, BHRC, and, TDMMO, and discussed various issues related to the “Second International Conference on Improving the Resilience of Hospitals & Critical Facilities” international conference. Participants outlined the latest measures taken in their organization to increase hospital resilience, and also discussed their priorities and challenges related to the conference topics.
Considering the importance of evaluating and retrofitting healthcare facilities in the country, comprehensive, consistent, and integrated planning, Collecting technical data collection to make appropriate management decisions, special attention to Rapid Alert Systems in critical facilities, maintenance of existing buildings and their fire protection were the major issues discussed by the members of the steering committee.
It is noted that the “Second International Conference on Improving the Resilience of Hospitals & Critical Facilities” is one of the activities of the project “Emergency Support for Hospitals and Safestrians” in I.R. Iran. This project, known as “BEHTAB II”, is being implemented by the United Nations Human Settlement Programme in cooperation with the Government of Iran.
for more information, please visit the Conference website at: https://irhcf2.bhrc.ac.ir/en/