Emergency Support to Post Earthquake Reconstruction in Hormozgan Province

The occurrence of July 2nd, 2022, twin earthquakes with magnitudes M>6.0 in Lengeh area, Dezhgan rural complex in Hormozgan province left extensive damage in houses, water supply and electricity systems (Transmission and distribution) as well as water tanks. The area is also suffering from draught, floods and consequences of climate change. Finding the situation in the region an emergency condition, UN-Habitat initiated an emergency project in cooperation with the government of I.R. Iran and financial support of the Government of Japan with focus on risk preparedness and resilience of facilities and local community against disasters as well as climate change, “Emergency Support to Post Earthquake Reconstruction in Hormozgan Province, PERHOPE.”

Planning and action for post-earthquake reconstruction of water systems of the affected villages after July 2022 earthquake and strengthening the local capacities against consequences of climate change in the area as pilot in Hormozgan province and neighboring provinces with the aim of creating a sustainable livelihood and optimal use of water consumption in the region are considered by UN-Habitat in this Project. UN-Habitat has planned two main outcomes for the Project activities:

1: Support for access of society to potable water through post-earthquake Reconstruction of water supply system; which aims at support for reconstruction of a 500 m3 water tank and contribute to reconstruction of water distribution system of a village in cooperation with the Hormozgan Province Water and Wastewater Company (HPWWC). 


2: Effective adaptation and Capacity development of the communities against climate change and natural disasters; which is planned to be achieved through: a) Studies for development of plans for enhancing sustainability and resilience in the human settlements in the affected area, based on gender-responsive plans and; b) Holding workshops for upgrading resilience and public awareness in society about mitigation of consequences of destructive earthquakes and climate change in the human settlements.